
FACEBOOK Spy Apps are the perfect tools for anyone looking to find out what their children or loved ones are 做心愛的人,雖然有些人可能會擔心“窺探”的想法時,Facebook的一天又一天。, 隱私設置的非常存在像Facebook應用程序的間諜的必要性。具體, 這裡有三個原因考慮使用Facebook的間諜軟件,秘密地記錄和監控受歡迎的網站上的活動:

Use Facebook Spy App to Monitor Your Children and Loved Ones

1.      “捕食者”和欺負討厭Facebook的間諜應用程序

儘管你的警告, 你的孩子可能是他們從來沒有見過,包括潛在的網上欺凌或捕食者的即時消息的人。為了防止這種可能的現實, Facebook Spy 軟件 is designed to help parents identify potential threats using advanced surveillance features that intercept communications.  More advanced Facebook Spy Apps will record all incoming and outgoing Instant Messages for parents to review at their convenience.  With this powerful tool and vigilance on your part, 你可以找出潛在的威脅,並在必要時採取適當的行動.

2.      Facebook的間諜軟件揭開你的孩子的社會網絡的影響

孩子的社交網絡Facebook上發揮了更大的因素在確定孩子的行為,比你想像的。可悲, your child might try to obscure their true list of friends by manipulating the privacy settings to hide them from you.  This is why Facebook Spy 軟件 is a useful tool because it can penetrate beyond what your children want to show you and reveal their true list of contacts—including hidden ones that you may have never seen before!

3.      Facebook的間諜應用程序解鎖其他人試圖隱藏的秘密

It’s not just children who spend hours upon hours chatting with friends and reviewing posts on Facebook each day—significant others may be spending large portions of their time online too.  Facebook Spy 軟件 secretly monitors all activities on Facebook so you can finally uncover what your loved one is up to each night without their knowledge.  But even the most powerful Facebook Spy Apps are unable to track and record all computer activities and that is why you need:

PC Monitoring 軟件

Although Facebook Spy 軟件 is a powerful surveillance tool for secretly monitoring someone’s activities on Facebook, 會發生什麼,如果有人決定通過Skype VoIP呼叫?你怎麼知道的應用程序,他們已使用或他們已訪問過的網站?如果沒有這一關鍵信息, 你真的不能充分保護您的孩子或得到你想要的答案,值得.

因此,而不是安裝特定於平台的Facebook的間諜軟件, 尋找 電腦監控軟件 這些核心監視工具:

  • 的MSN, Skype和雅虎的VoIP錄音
  • Facebook Spy 軟件
  • MSN Messenger的間諜
  • 自動屏幕快照
  • 雅虎通諜
  • 遠程麥克風激活

簡安德魯是作者 雅虎間諜 和 的MSN間諜. 她提供了一些提示, tricks and news about computer and internet security. You can also follow her on Twitter @mobistealth to get the latest tips about computer technology.

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FACEBOOK: shigeesh Thamalassery
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