Facebook Spy Apps are the perfect tools for anyone looking to find out what their children or loved ones are i ndáiríre a dhéanamh nuair ar Facebook lá tar éis an lá. Cé gur féidir roinnt daoine buartha faoi an smaoineamh "snooping" ar grá amháin, Tá go bhfuil an-an Socruithe Príobháideacht a rinne iarratas ar cosúil le Facebook Spy riachtanas. sonrach, anseo tá trí chúis a mheas ag baint úsáide as Apps Spy Facebook rúnda a thaifeadadh agus monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar ghníomhaíocht ar an suíomh gréasáin tóir:
1. Is fuath liom creachadóirí bulaithe agus Facebook Apps Spy
In ainneoin do rabhaidh, D'fhéadfadh go mbeadh do chuid páistí daoine teachtaireachtaí meandaracha riamh tá siad le chéile lena n-áirítear ar líne bulaithe féideartha nó creachadóirí. a chosaint i gcoinne an réaltacht is féidir, Facebook Spy Bogearraí is designed to help parents identify potential threats using advanced surveillance features that intercept communications. More advanced Facebook Spy Apps will record all incoming and outgoing Instant Messages for parents to review at their convenience. With this powerful tool and vigilance on your part, Is féidir leat a aithint bagairtí féideartha agus gníomh cuí a ghlacadh nuair is gá.
2. Facebook Apps Spy Uncover Do pháiste Tionchair Líonra Sóisialta
Tá Do pháistí líonra sóisialta ar Facebook ina fhachtóir níos mó a chinneadh do iompar an linbh ná mar a d'fhéadfá smaoineamh. Faraor, your child might try to obscure their true list of friends by manipulating the privacy settings to hide them from you. This is why Facebook Spy Bogearraí is a useful tool because it can penetrate beyond what your children want to show you and reveal their true list of contacts—including hidden ones that you may have never seen before!
3. Facebook Spy Apps unlocks an Rúin Eile Bain triail as go Hide
It’s not just children who spend hours upon hours chatting with friends and reviewing posts on Facebook each day—significant others may be spending large portions of their time online too. Facebook Spy Bogearraí secretly monitors all activities on Facebook so you can finally uncover what your loved one is up to each night without their knowledge. But even the most powerful Facebook Spy Apps are unable to track and record all computer activities and that is why you need:
PC Monitoring Bogearraí
Although Facebook Spy Bogearraí is a powerful surveillance tool for secretly monitoring someone’s activities on Facebook, cad a tharlaíonn má chinneann duine éigin a dhéanamh le glao VOIP via Skype?Conas atá a fhios agat a bhfuil siad ag baint úsáide as iarratais nó a láithreáin ghréasáin siad cuairt ar?Gan an fhaisnéis seo criticiúil, tú nach féidir a chosaint i ndáiríre go hiomlán do leanaí nó na freagraí is mian leat a fháil agus dul.
Mar sin, seachas a shuiteáil ardán ar leith Facebook Apps Spy, lorg Bogearraí Monatóireacht PC leis na huirlisí seo lárnach faireachas:
- MSN, Skype agus Yahoo VOIP Taifeadadh
- Facebook Spy Bogearraí
- MSN Messenger Spy
- Shots Scáileán Uathoibríoch
- Yahoo Messenger Spy
- Ghníomhachtú Micreafón cianda
Is é Jane Andrew an t-údar Yahoo Spy agus MSN Spy. Soláthraíonn sí leideanna, tricks and news about computer and internet security. You can also follow her on Twitter @mobistealth to get the latest tips about computer technology.