Важноста на чисти моторно масло

Мотор моторно масло служи повеќето витална улога - или збир на улоги во заштита на моторот и да ви даде и долгорочни век на моторот, како и сигурен и економичен транспорт. Навистина двајцата искусни механика, dealership service writers and fleet managers will all advise heartily that the most important thing you can do in servicing and maintaining your vehicle is to change your engine oil regularly – even more often than recommended intervals.

Engine Oil is Always Being Worn Away By Engine Oil Contaminants:

Oil in your engine sump and being circulated through your car, SUV, камион или комбе централа не е само подмачкува моторот, но, како и поважно отстранува големите количини на отпад топлината што се создава во текот на бензин процесот на согорување и процеси. Сепак, иако си го прави своето, Тоа е буквално преземање на најголемиот тепање. Маслото е предизвикана од судирот, нападнати од страна на двете топлина и хемиски промени, и контаминирани со огромен број на загадувачи, вклучувајќи саѓи, вода, киселини, како и избрани разни нечистотии и ронки како материјали.

Better Engine Oil Brands Have Additives Added To Help Protect Motor Oils:
Yet to help protect the oil itself, retain its freshness and its intrinsic abilities to play its various roles, higher quality – most costly – commercial engine oils have additives that help to prevent rapid deterioration.

Determining Recommended Oil Change Intervals:
Eventually however even the very best oil, brands and types of lubrication motor oils lose their protective and functional abilities. Затоа промените нафта во препорачува интервали. Како може да се утврди ова? Вашиот сопственикот прирачник (обично во ракавица кутија), или препорачува услуги распоред, исто така, може да обезбеди оваа информација. Ако не ја проверите на интернет на авто одлуки & производителот го веб-сајтот. Неуспехот дека вашата доверба локалните механичар или услуга Техника писател во вашата локална автомобил Застапништва.

Промена на нафта од страна километри или време - тоа зависи од вашиот стил на возење & Навики:

Sometimes – or a lot of times – it’s best to change even more frequently than is generally recommended. Some motorist does it by time, other miles or km distance. It often comes down to your driving habits and history. If you put on a lot of miles then mileage is your key. If you are the type who only uses their vehicle to drive to the mall and shopping center and perhaps church, placing very few miles distance on engine and auto then go by time. Yet in many cases those with few miles , and stop and go driving – as compared to those who put on a lot of highway and freeway miles where the engine warms and heats up – burning or boiling off water in the engine crankcase , those low volume drivers would be best to change their oil at more frequent times intervals. As a reference point check the owner’s manual for recommended oil change intervals for “severe service”. Severe service is a category of automobile use as typified by short distances, lots of stop and go and idling – as you might find in taxis or police vehicles.


Generally in 2012 most motorists , auto owners and drivers, and even fleet drivers take the engine oil in their motor for granted – seldom ever giving it a though .
This should not be the case. Check your engine oil levels often and regularly and have your engine oil replaced fully on very frequent and regular intervals.

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