Effects CS5 sonra Siqaret çəkmə yaradılması



Create a new composition. Click on “Fayl” and then “Էջում `ZRY”. SelectHDV/HDTV 720 29.97″ və “20 sec.in the menu dropdown. Type the name that you want to allow the composition. Click onOK”.
Click onLayerand then “Էջում `ZRY” and thensolidin the menu at the top of the screen. This will bring up a new window.
Click on the button allowsMake Compin the new window. SelectBlackcolor palette that appears. Type the name that you want to allow the layer in the name box. Click onOK”.
ClickEffectand thennoise & Grain” və “Fractal noisein the control panel for theeffectson the workspace. This will create a smoke screen image and open a new window.
Implement smoke animation effects by dragging the slider in theContrastoption to 140, theComplexityoption to 12 and thegrandeur” 160 in the optionprocessing”.
Animate smoke. Click on theEllipsetool in the tool palette. This tool looks like an oval. Click on the workspace and hold down your mouse button to drag on the ellipse on the whole area of smoke. Right-click in the timeline to 1 second, and then selectInsert keyframe. Click on the ellipse and drag slightly. Right-click in the timeline to 4 seconds, and then enter another key image using the same technique used to 1 second. The smoke will now have an effect to move to and from the place where you drag the ellipse. Repeat this procedure for each trip that you want to smoke to make adding and adjusting multiple keyframes along the timeline.
Animate the opacity of smoke to give the impression to spend more that simply animate the motion. Click the keyframe at 1 second on the calendar. Drag the control of theOpacityslide in “0%”. Insert a key frame to 2 seconds. Click on this key frame after that it appears on the calendar. Drag the control of theOpacityslide in “100%”. Click the keyframe to 4 seconds. Drag theOpacitycontrol to “0%”. The smoke will now have an effect of decolorization and output. Repeat this process with several keyframes along the timeline to develop more effects discoloration. Opacity can also be moved to any level that you want.

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