Easy To Make Video Call In Your Android Phone

Google ס אַנדרויד אָפּערייטינג סיסטעם סאַפּלייז אַ ברייט פאַרשיידנקייַט פון פאַרשידענע צעל פאָנעס אויף עטלעכע רירעוודיק נעטוואָרקס. While all Android phones may use theSkype for Androidapplication to make calls to other Skype users, with the release of the phone HTC Thunderbolt Android, Skype included the ability to perform regular video calls to other Skype users. If you want to make a Skype video call on your clap of thunder of HTC or other compatible Android phone, the procedure involves a few basic steps.
AP the “סקיפּע” icon on the screen of your Android phone to launch the application. Enter your Skype user name and password when prompted and press the buttonSign Into connect to your account. If you do not have a Skype account, press the buttonCreate accounton the login page, then follow invites them to the screen to create an account.
דריקט אויף די “Contacts” אָנווער, and then tap theSkype Contactsoption when displays the Contacts page. Press the name of the contact Skype with which you want to video chat to make appear the appeal options.


דריקט אויף די “Video Calloption on the screen of the Call Option to start a video chat with the selected contact. If the contact is online and connected to Skype, video chat will begin as soon as the recipient answers the call.

שייכותדיקע אַרטיקלען:

פּאָסטן פוטער אויטאָמאַטיש דזשענערייטאַד דורך לייג אַרייַנשיקן פוטער פּלוגין פֿאַר וואָרדפּרעסס.


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jeniy November 19, 2011 בייַ 6:00 בייַ די

thanks friend, a very useful article, now I understand how to make video calls via Skype from mobile android


לאָזן אַ קאַמענט

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