Top Way To Fastly Index Your Site In Google

Google é o primeiro motor de busca na Internet. Como o seu site listado no índice do Google coloca você em suas pesquisas. Este é um passo importante na obtenção de seu site visto por outros. Páginas listadas no índice do Google é visto por mais pessoas do que qualquer outro motor de busca na Internet.

Prepare seu site para aranhas Google. Aranhas Google digitalizar cada página de um site e procure a meta tags, palavras-chave ea quantidade de palavras-chave na página. Verifique todos os links nas páginas para garantir que eles funcionem corretamente.
Ir para o índice de Google adiciona página. Há um link para esta página, na seção desta referência ao artigo.
Digite o seu site em uma caixa fornecida. Incluem o “http://” and a prefix. Por exemplo, “http://www.http://topsearches.inin the box. Do not enter in all pages or sub areas on the site. The spider found these pages and includes. If you have any other domain names such as or, add these separately.
Type a brief description of the location in the box of comments on this page. It is a description of what the site is or. Add in a few keywords of your site that are very sought after.
Enter the security code that see you on the page. This code tells Google that you are an individual and not a machine used in the site. Google spiders all sites of entry by individuals before they sites spider of entry with the software.

Easy  Find Your Website Google

The a search engines the most used and popular, it is essential to ensure that Google can find your Web site. Google uses a program calledspiders” para “crawlthe Web and add the websites it finds its index. Thesespidersroam billions of Web pages in each cycle.
Evaluating Web pages to ensure that the crawler to find the Google index. Make sure that the names of the pages contain a legible words and hyphen, if more than two words using numbers, or any other type of naming scheme to prevent Google search site.
Please check if your site found in Google by typingsite:” yourwebsite.comGoogle home. This tells you whether the site is included in Google search results.
Add URL address on theadd your URL to GoogleGoogle.
Find web sites that the URL in the link you want to add. Join the Organization content and add it to a site link. Having other sites referring to his, in Google, you can search a web site that is linked to different locations because of the best interests of the entire Internet.
Create a Google Sitemap and submit  Google Webmaster Tools  on the page into account. Site maps are an effective way to show your Web address and send to the Google index. You can create text-based site map, use the sitemap generator Google or discover the many free online automatic generators.
Add a Google News site if it contains content. Go to the Google page in the   Google News (publishers) ajuda.
Create a Google account, if you have a commercial site for a specific location. Go to the Google page in thebusiness centre”.

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Mathew Leonard November 4, 2011 em 6:02 pm

Thanks for sharing this info. The site gets indexed quickly what more can a optimizer want.


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