Auto Owners – Have Your Battery Checked For Winter Driving

Auto Owners - Have Your Battery Checked For Winter Driving

Auto Owners - Have Your Battery Checked For Winter Driving

It May Be Time To Replace That Car Battery

  Whir, whir , whir.  Will your car, truck or SUV start come the coldest days of January?  Few motorists and auto owners give their auto battery much thought.  Yet come the dead of winter and the long wait for the motor league wrecker tow truck for a boost may give you pause to think that perhaps next time I will replace that battery earlier, and perhaps with a larger amperage model.  And you don’t have to be up north in the Canadian arctic with a blinding wintertime blizzard to come to this conclusion.

It’s only a question of time and miles before its time to replace your battery even it’s a very high quality unit that came new with the vehicle.  Some mechanics and fleet operators will advise you to replace auto batteries like clockwork regardless of miles and km every 3 or 4 years.  Eventually all batteries run out of chemicals, the plate deposits become too extensive, the plates vibrate and break apart.

This often comes as a direct result of improperly tightened hold-down clamps. Yet another wise reason to have your battery replaced and installed properly either by a good mechanic or the service department at your local auto dealership.  Another common means by which lead acid auto batteries fail is that cells themselves begin to leak causing the current (and battery) to short circuit.

When it comes time to replace your vehicle’s battery – either because its necessary or you deem it’s a good and wise idea overall it is both essential and imperative that the unit be replaced with one of the same size and rating.  Bargains you get from your neighbor or uncle that don’t fit properly or of inadequate amperage are just plain false economy and shortly will cost you more in inconvenience , time lost and two than you saved instead of getting a proper replacement battery in the first place.

How do you determine what is correct?  It’s a good guide that the size of any battery is determined by its outside dimensions of the casing itself.  Charts are available wherever batteries are sold , or repaired to help you decide and determine which size , and what price is correct for your car and will fit into your automotive repair and maintenance budget overall.

Again an automobile’s battery is both a component of any car, truck, van or SUV that we both depend on and as well take for granted.  Take a few moments out before this winter’s cold snap really hits to either check your battery for its condition or the charge it can hold.  Alternatively if this is beyond your skill set or time available take your vehicle to a professional mechanic, battery shop or the service center of your local auto dealership.

George Garry

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