SUVs have been around for decades. One of the first models to roll out of showrooms was the Chevy Suburban in 1935. I dag, almost every manufacturer has at least one SUV in their line-up. If you have been wondering why you would ever want one of these sport utility vehicles, here are just a few of the benefits they have to offer.

Passengers and Cargo
With the exception of full-size vans, no other vehicle offers the flexibility for carrying passengers and cargo that an SUV does. Smaller versions, like the Ford Expedition and Dodge Durango, will surrender some cargo space to the third row. Dock, once the third row folds down or is removed, the cargo space opens up for those big projects you like to tackle around the house. Larger SUVs, like the Suburban, erbjuder en massiv lastutrymmet även när den tredje sätesraden är på plats. Förmågan att fälla sätena gör platta dessa dumprar för att flytta stora objekt vid behov, samtidigt som förmågan att varukorg runt alla barnen och deras vänner.
När SUV först kom på marknaden, de var inte kända för sina lyxiga attribut. Över tiden, dock, som har ändrats. SUV erbjuder nu alla samma bekvämligheter som lyxiga sedaner. Lyxiga SUV som Lexus LX-funktionen lädersäten, röststyrda navigering, Mark Levinson surround sound and four zones of climate control. If you love the feel of a sunroof and want an entertainment system for the kids, you don’t have to get a minivan. You can find all of those great features in an SUV package that you can feel about driving around town. They are loaded with extra amenities and all the creature comforts you need to keep the family comfortable on short drives around town and long trips to other states.
Minivans may offer loads of cargo space, but they don’t have the power to tow. When you need the horsepower of a truck with the seating capability to hold a large family, only an SUV will do. The Chevy Suburban 1500 can tow nearly 10,000 pounds, allowing it to easily handle large trailers while also comfortably seating the family. The Ford Expedition can handle an impressive 9,000 pounds. The incredibly luxurious Lexus LX also features a higher towing capacity of 8,500 pounds. The power isn’t limited to torque and towing capacity. Dessa fordon har också bra hästkrafter för att påskynda hårt på vägen för att enkelt gå samman med trafiken. Du kommer inte få hantering sportbil, men du kommer att njuta av att veta att arbetshästen tar dig vart du behöver gå med stil. Oavsett om du behöver extra utrymme för människor, husdjur eller last, en SUV kan leverera. Dessa fordon är utrustade med den lyx du uppskattar med den stil du kräver och den kraft du behöver. De är också kända för sin säkerhet, och ny teknik gör dem mer stabila och mindre benägna att rulla overs. These vehicles have also enjoyed improved gas mileage over the years. The current models, like the Toyota Highlander, have gas mileage ratings that are comparable to most minivans. If you have been considering making a change to a vehicle with more seating and power, consider the new SUVs that are available on the market for style, flexibility and power.
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