SUVs have been around for decades. Unul dintre primele modele sa lanseze din showroom-uri a fost Chevy Suburban în 1935. Astăzi, aproape fiecare producator are cel puţin un SUV în lor de line-up-. Dacă aţi fost întrebaţi de ce ar vrea vreodată unul dintre aceste vehicule utilitare sport, aici sunt doar câteva dintre beneficiile pe care le au de oferit.

Pasagerilor şi a mărfurilor
Cu excepţia a full-size utilitare, Nici un alt vehicul oferă flexibilitate pentru transportul de pasageri şi de marfă, care le face un SUV. Versiuni mai mici, cum ar fi Ford Expedition şi Dodge Durango, will surrender some cargo space to the third row. Cu toate acestea, once the third row folds down or is removed, the cargo space opens up for those big projects you like to tackle around the house. Larger SUVs, like the Suburban, offer a massive cargo area even when the third row seat is in place. The ability to fold seats flat allows these haulers to move large items when needed, while retaining the ability to cart around all the kids and their friends.
When SUVs first hit the market, they weren’t known for their luxurious attributes. A lungul timpului, totuşi, that has changed. SUVs now offer all the same amenities as luxury sedans. Luxury SUVs like the Lexus LX feature leather seating, voice-activated navigation, Mark Levinson surround sound and four zones of climate control. If you love the feel of a sunroof and want an entertainment system for the kids, you don’t have to get a minivan. You can find all of those great features in an SUV package that you can feel about driving around town. They are loaded with extra amenities and all the creature comforts you need to keep the family comfortable on short drives around town and long trips to other states.
Minivans may offer loads of cargo space, but they don’t have the power to tow. When you need the horsepower of a truck with the seating capability to hold a large family, only an SUV will do. The Chevy Suburban 1500 can tow nearly 10,000 pounds, allowing it to easily handle large trailers while also comfortably seating the family. The Ford Expedition can handle an impressive 9,000 pounds. The incredibly luxurious Lexus LX also features a higher towing capacity of 8,500 pounds. The power isn’t limited to torque and towing capacity. These vehicles also feature good horsepower for accelerating hard on the road to easily merge with traffic. You won’t enjoy sport car handling, but you will enjoy knowing that the workhorse will take you wherever you need to go in style. Whether you need the extra space for people, pets or cargo, an SUV can deliver. Aceste vehicule dispun de lux va aprecia cu stilul pe care il cere si puterea de care aveţi nevoie. Acestea sunt, de asemenea, cunoscut pentru siguranţa lor, şi tehnologii noi le face mai stabile şi mai puţin predispuse la roll-over. Aceste vehicule s-au bucurat, de asemenea, kilometraj de gaze îmbunătăţită a lungul anilor. Modelele actuale, cum ar fi Toyota Highlander, au evaluări de gaze cu kilometraj, care sunt comparabile cu cele mai multe microbuze. Dacă aţi fost în considerare a face o schimbare pentru un vehicul cu scaune mai mult şi putere, consider the new SUVs that are available on the market for style, flexibility and power.
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