SUVs have been around for decades. One of the first models to roll out of showrooms was the Chevy Suburban in 1935. I dag, almost every manufacturer has at least one SUV in their line-up. If you have been wondering why you would ever want one of these sport utility vehicles, here are just a few of the benefits they have to offer.

Passengers and Cargo
With the exception of full-size vans, no other vehicle offers the flexibility for carrying passengers and cargo that an SUV does. Smaller versions, like the Ford Expedition and Dodge Durango, vil overgi noe last plass til den tredje rad. Men, gang den tredje raden foldes ned eller fjernes, lasten plass åpner opp for de store prosjektene du liker å takle rundt huset. Større SUVer, som Suburban, tilby en massiv last område, selv når den tredje seterad er på plass. Muligheten til å kaste setene tillater flatt disse dumpere å flytte store elementer når det trengs, og samtidig beholde evnen til handlevogn rundt alle barna og deres venner.
Når SUVer første treffe markedet, de var ikke kjent for sine luksuriøse attributter. Over tid, imidlertid, that has changed. SUVs now offer all the same amenities as luxury sedans. Luxury SUVs like the Lexus LX feature leather seating, voice-activated navigation, Mark Levinson surround sound and four zones of climate control. If you love the feel of a sunroof and want an entertainment system for the kids, you don’t have to get a minivan. You can find all of those great features in an SUV package that you can feel about driving around town. De er lastet med ekstra fasiliteter og alle materielle goder du trenger for å holde familien komfortabel på korte kjøreturer rundt i byen og lange turer til andre stater.
Minivans kan tilby masse lasteplass, men de har ikke makt til å taue. Når du trenger hestekrefter av en lastebil med sitteplasser evne til å holde en stor familie, bare en SUV vil gjøre. Chevy Suburban 1500 kan taue nesten 10,000 pounds, slik at det enkelt kan håndtere store trailere og samtidig komfortabelt sitteplasser familien. The Ford Expepounds can handle an impressive 9,000 pounds. The incredibly luxurious Lexus LX also features a higher towing capacity of 8,500 pounds. The power isn’t limited to torque and towing capacity. These vehicles also feature good horsepower for accelerating hard on the road to easily merge with traffic. You won’t enjoy sport car handling, but you will enjoy knowing that the workhorse will take you wherever you need to go in style. Whether you need the extra space for people, pets or cargo, an SUV can deliver. These vehicles feature the luxury you appreciate with the style you demand and the power you need. They are also known for their safety, and new technology makes them more stable and less prone to roll-overs. These vehicles have also enjoyed improved gas mileage over the years. The current models, like the Toyota Highlander, have gas mileage ratings that are comparable to most minivans. If you have been considering making a change to a vehicle with more seating and power, consider the new SUVs that are available on the market for style, flexibility and power.
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