Headset Bluetooth Fuq Android Pillola

Many of the Pillola PC in the network properties of the Google Android running on the Bluetooth feature in addition to the standard 3 G / 4 G u Wi-Fi radjijiet sistema operattiva. Għalkemm l-iskop oriġinali, and device manufacturers is the Google type devices, bħall-tastiera Bluetooth ma 'l-ixkafef ħafna, inti tista 'tuża headset Bluetooth għal trasmissjoni awdjo. Uħud mill-istandard nieqsa dial-up strumenti ta 'disinn Pillola, but they still can be useful for Voice Over Internet Protocol, such as Skype or Fring software.


Widna Bluetooth ma 'l-aktar ovvju huwa l-radju Bluetooth. Popular Android tablets, kif Motorola Xoom, Samsung tab Galaxy tat-transformer u l-EEE Asus, Android powered Smartphone radio stations. Madankollu, xi anzjani, mudelli inqas għaljin jew aktar dettaljati mhux. This includes disk Barnes and noble nook series and pills and most common Chinese Android tablets, li sas-sena 2010. Xi pilloli, speċjalment minn Samsung, se tkun installata, l software changes and may work differently than other tablets and Smartphones to connect to Bluetooth headse

Bluetooth HEADSET compatible appshttp://www.tabletaccessories.net/tablet-headset-images/tablet-bluetooth-headset.jpg

Often used in applications that are compatible with the Bluetooth headset is a VOIP application software that allows you to make audio and video calls over the Internet (without the use of existing networks or mobile telefon). VOIP-Skype biex jagħmlu s-sejħiet b'xejn sa l-utent Skype oħra, the most popular network or mobile phones or land lines to call for a small price. Skype for Android application domain, meta inti tqabbad headset Bluetooth, and can be downloaded free of charge from the Android market. Fring, talba simili hija wkoll ħielsa. Applikazzjonijiet oħra VOIP li jieħdu vantaġġ ta widna Bluetooth huma Truphone, li taqra “Veru App” fis-suq, Vopium u Nimbuzz. Applikazzjonijiet oħra li jużaw il-b'mikrofonu mibni minn ġewwa, such as logħob or voice commands may or may not support the Bluetooth event

Qabbad għal headset Bluetooth ma Android Pillola PC

Android is similar to it, li jikkostitwixxi l-smartphone Android li jgħaqqdu l-headset Bluetooth fuq pillola. Minn dawn il-passi: istampa u jżommu l- “Fuq” jew “Phone” sakemm il-chimes jew fwawar biex tindika l-widna Bluetooth huwa fil-modalità tqabbil. Agħfas il-buttuna “enerġija” fuq l-ixkaffa u nisfruttaw l-iskrin. “Home” buttuna, u mbagħad ikklikkja l- “menu”. Telf “settings.” Tektek il- “netwerks tal-wireless”. Agħżel il-dawran fuq il-funzjoni Bluetooth u vit “Bluetooth” settings għal ̶Bluetoothth” fil-kaxxa dialog. “” Bluetooth apparati, tagħżel elmu. Jekk inti imħeġġa li tip ta 'kodiċi PIN, mbagħad jippruvaw l- “0000″ jew “1234.” Jekk ebda waħda minn dawn il-funzjonijiet, żur il-manifattur utent manwali jew HF


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