Make money on android Apps
In the world of competition between Blackberry, iPhone and Droid smartphones, application developers have enormous potential to become rich in less time. Android is a software stack developed by GOOGLE for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and applications. It is easy to earn money by developing applications JAVA Android based by following the techniques and advice from this article.
Installing Android SDK
Visit the Web site development tools for Android from the link given in the references of this article. Assuming that you use the Windows operating system, download the Android for Windows SDK. Unzip the .zip file you downloaded in a safe place. Add this location to the variable PATH by right-clicking my computer, select Properties, select Advanced settings Environment Variables. Add the location of the path to the PATH variable by editing it.
Install the SDK by running Setup.exe SDK from the root directory of the SDK tool.

Installing Eclipse Plugin
Android offers a custom plug-in for the Eclipse IDE, called development Android (ADT) tools. This gives a good advantage if you are developing applications for Blackberry smartphone. This way you can develop applications in parallel the two platforms, i.e., Blackberry and Android.
Install IDE Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) on its Web site. Open the Eclipse IDE and in the software updates, type the URL and install updates. Modify your Eclipse preferences to point to the directory of Android SDK.
Programming Fundamentals
Android applications are written in JAVA programming language. There are different APIs written specifically for Android, which can be used for the preparation of specific requests to devices running on the Android platform. Once an application is compiled successfully, an .apk file is generated. An .apk file is a full Android application.
Test Application
Once the Eclipse plug-in, Android is installed successfully, restart the Eclipse tool and start to develop a Test project.
(1) Select file > new > project Android
(2) Enter a name for the project. Select a target generation, 1.4, 1.5 or 1.6 and enter the name of the Application, the name of Package and Min SDK Version.
(3) Click on Finish.
Copy the source code for a project of Hello World basic link in resources. Project build and Run on the emulator.
Signing Of Applications
It is important to sign a request prior to publication for reasons of security and integrity. If you use Eclipse and ADT has adequate access to the key there is then no specific action required. The application will be signed when it is compiled and debugged. To sign an application for public dissemination, obtain a signature for the public release and compile the application in Release mode procedure suite described on the website of Android developers.
Applications Of Publications
It is important to test your application before heading out on a real device rather than just the emulator. You will need to purchase a course as Motorola Droid Android phone or phone Android development. Add an end user license agreement and publishing on Android Market.
Earn Income From Applications
The most important reason for the development of the application is to earn money. You must pay a time $ 25 registration fee to become an Android developer and publish applications. Once your application is published on Android Market and the people around the beginning of the world download of the application to your published prices, you will receive 70% of revenue, while Google will keep 30% of it. For example, an application a value of $1 downloaded by 1000 people you will earn 70% of which is $ 700. If you are developing an application of very good quality, you can win prizes money $ 150 000 or 100 000 or 50 000 or 25 000 based on global ratings assigned by the utilisateurs through challenge ADC2 Android.
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