Model, texture and animate in Cinema 4D 11 using the techniques and advice in Cinema 4D 11 Quis. From the set of basic concepts, functions and tools – to follow the tutorials that offer a hands on knowledge of the new R11 tools and the characteristics of advanced polling. The support website provides all the necessary support tutorial projects in the book so that you create your own working models and animations. * Covers new features of version 11, such as motion clips, as well as advanced features such as MoGraph, Dynamics, Thinking Particles, HyperNURBS modeling, programming Xpresso, and Advanced Renderer * A unique approach based on tutorial teaches readers the process workflow for modeling, texturing, and animation with Cinema 4D 11 * Companion Web site includes project files for tutorials, a video workshop on Espresso, a sample chapter on character modeling, and plug-in samples
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